1st Form Siu Nim Tau

Siu Nim Tau is the first and foundational form in the Ving Tsun Kung Fu system. Its roots can be traced back to the legendary Shaolin nun, Ng Mui, who is said to have developed the Wing Chun system. According to legend, Ng Mui observed a confrontation between a snake and a crane, which inspired her to create a martial art that would emphasize efficiency, directness, and simplicity.

Siu Nim Tau holds a special place within Wing Chun Kung Fu as the starting point for all practitioners. It instills essential principles, techniques, and philosophies that serve as the building blocks for a comprehensive and effective martial arts practice. Mastering Siu Nim Tau is not only a rite of passage but a crucial step towards unlocking the deeper layers of the Wing Chun system.

Click to See YouTube clip of first form https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXWPbsOTOew&t=23s

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